
Friday, October 1, 2010

Books, Books, and more Books!!!

Does anyone else fall into this scenario?? 

I literally have hundreds, maybe close to a thousand, books sitting in my house that I have not had a chance to read and yet I continue to buy more and more books!!  I have my books alphabetized by author, shelves and shelves of books meticulously organized.  I have a room completely dedicated to books. I have a built in bookshelf in the hall filled with childrens books.  I have bookshelves in the living and family room that have coffee table books and some of my personal favorites shelved.  I have one large shelf where books that have been read are shelved, again alphabetized by author.  This shelf has few books on it compared to the shleves and shelves of books I have that have not been read. 

I pick up ARCs at book conferences and get them in the mail.  I have friends pass on their books that they have read because they know I will put them to good use.  I cannot seem to give books away, regardless of whether I liked them or not.

And, what do I do the minute I get more books!!  I am constantly hearing about new books that I must read.  I see books on library email lists, and other websites that are must-reads. 

I am truly a bookaholic and there is no cure!!


  1. Welcome to your new blog!! I'm that way too, I have so many books I haven't read, yet I keep buying more. It's bad, but I like to collect heh.

  2. I have just found you through the Hop! I'm taking up Jennifer's challenge and checking out your blog in depth this week. So far, I like what I see!

    I think most of us out here in the book-blogging world share your bookaholic tendencies. I know I do. I have a favorite quote about that...

    When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes.
    —Desiderus Erasmus
