
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cool Website and future giveaways!

I first wanted to share with you a cool website that I have come upon lately.  I will say that I found it through other blogs, so I did not happen upon them myself.  The website was shared by an author so I , of course, was compelled to check it out! 

The website is called Free Book Friday.  This website was set up by author Jessica Brody and YES!!!  she gives away a new book every Friday!!  Who does not love a free book!?!?  She also has interviews with authors and lots of other nifty information on her site.  She has a site for adults and teens and each site has separate giveaways each Friday.  I almost hate to tell you about the site because I want to win all the books!!  LOL
 It is so easy to register for the giveaway each week and you can also sign up to follow the blog as well as receive email updates from her site. 

Here is the address:

Good Luck!!

Secondly, I have recently started a blog to discuss books, travel, upcoming events, and whatever else comes my way!! 

As part of my blog, I will be giving away autographed books and Advanced Reader Copies of books I pick up at several upcoming events I will be attending.  There should be a good mix of both young adult and adult books to choose from.  Check out the information below to see what is coming up!

I am very exctied to be attending the Texas Book Festival Oct. 16-17 and plan to come home with many signed books! I will give one book away for every 50 people that have joined my blog by the end of October. I cannot guarantee which books will be given away at this point, but I can tell you that Laurie Halse Anderson will be there signing her new book, Forge. Some other authors that I plan to stand in line for are Jeff Linsey-author of the Dexter series(one of my favorites!); Meg Cabot-author of Insatiable, Runaway and the Princess Diaries; Alton Brown from Food Network fame(we have reserved seats for him); and many, many more! There are over 200 authors attending the festival this year so there is no telling what I may come home with. I will post several books for you to choose from since I hope all of you will follow my blog and everyone has different book tastes.

I will hold another drawing in the middle of November after attending the Young Adult Symposium in Albequerque. There should be lots more ARCs and autographed books to give away just in time for Christmas! More to come on that.

What do you have to do to be in the drawing? Join my blog, invite your friends and check in after October 17 to see what is up for grabs!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. If you are not already on, you should set up a Twitter account too... This is a great way to put the word out there about your blog and give aways...

    Almost finished w/ Pamuk's "Museum of Innocence".. finally!! its been a tough year, so I've been a slow reader of the few outstanding ones I have..
